Propel Python Course Overview
PROPEL has been designed to meet the requirements of the software industry for competent workforce. It prepares candidates to begin their career in this exciting field and develop themselves into successful professionals in the long term. PROPEL focuses on holistic development of the participants.
Keeping this in mind, the designers of PROPEL have given a balanced treatment of different areas such as technology, soft skills, language fluency, behavioural orientations and basic business knowledge. The programme enables participants to become professionals who solve real-world problems through the medium of software.
The total duration of the programme is 100 working days, divided into five ‘Camps’. Each Camp has a major objective, and builds over the learning from the previous Camps. Camp 1 helps the participants to understand their future roles and to take charge of building their career. Camps 2 to 5 cover the major part of the content, with a project in each Camp.
Course Content
(Click on each Camp to view its details)
Participants are given an introduction to the course, expectations and goals to be achieved are set , and commit to develop the knowledge, skills and orientations required to achieve them, taking personal responsibility while working in a collaborative environment.
Understanding Programming Logic
Understanding Data Types, Keywords, operators and control constructs in Python
Exception Handling
Programming in Python using OOPS Concepts
Create a simple CRM project
Defining and manipulating Databases using DDL and DML
Using commands and functions to manipulate data in database
Use DQL and different clauses- Where, Order By, Group By, Having
Using joins to view related/ relevant information from different tables
Use subqueries
Work with other objects in Databases (Views, Indexes, Sequences)
Normalisation of Database
Normalisation workshop
Java Script
Responsive Page Design
MVC and Service Oriented Architecture
Design web API / REST API following standards
Write web APIs and connect with DB using ORM
Write APIs for CRUD operations
Consume REST API using Javascript and use result in Web UI
Token based authentication
Understanding Django Project Structure
Managing Django URLs
Django Templates, Models with databases
Django authentication system
REST API using Django
The registration and login feature using JWTs
Writing the content model
Nesting routes
Consume REST API using Javascript+JQuery and Ajax
Web Application using REST API workshop
Introduction to Node.js
Express.js Basics
RESTful API Design
Database Integration with MongoDB
Authentication and Authorization
React Components and JSX
State Management in React
Routing in React with React Router
API Integration in React
Final Capstone Project Development
Final Capstone Project Presentation